Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refund Policy

Replacements and Refunds

“You can return the product whenever it expires or gets damaged.”

“If the seal is broken during the delivery, you are eligible for a return.”

We take stringent measures to ensure that the items delivered to you are in perfect condition. However, there is a remote possibility that:

the item may be damaged during transit
or there might be a manufacturing defect
or that a wrong item is delivered to you

In only such cases as given above, we will replace the item at no extra cost or refund the complete amount, provided that the request for replacement/return of the item is made within 5 days after receipt of the package. No returns or replacements will be allowed after the order is processed, except for the reasons given above.

To get a refund or replacement, email us at “   “ (or) request a refund by calling at “  “ your Order Number and the Reason for replacement/refund. Kindly email an image of the product, clearly showing the batch number and the invoice for our reference. We shall not be responsible for any items sent to us for return/replacement without our confirmation.

Once the return request is accepted, we will pick up the products within 4 – 7 days of receiving your request. We will initiate the refund or replacement process only if the products are received by us in their original packaging with their seals, labels and barcodes intact.

In the case of a product refund, once your request is approved, the refund will reflect in your account within 5-7 days and you will be sent an email confirming the same.

Please do note that if it is a case of replacement, it is subject to the availability of stock. In case that a replacement may not be available,and customer has already paid we will refund you the full amount.

The Customer may request a refund by calling at 8977933432

To be eligible for a return, item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it

You need to share your order details with the invoice copy.

Once we receive your item, we will inspect it and notify you that we have received your returned item. We will immediately notify you on the status of your refund after inspecting the item.

If your return is approved, we will initiate a refund to your credit card (or original method of payment)

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation request can be done before despatch the product.

Refund process will be initiated within 72 hours (3 days) of the cancellation requests.

Refund amount will be 100 % of the amount paid for receipt.

Cancellation Policy


At our website and mobile application (hereinafter called platform), our aim is to provide 100% satisfaction to our customers. If for any reason you wish to cancel the order, we are here to help. You will be able to cancel your order at order level cancellation the same is elaborated as follows:-


(i) You can cancel your order online, before the product(s) in your order is under confirm stage. At the platform, we can decide the process for crediting the applicable refund against the cancelled order. If the payment for order was done from your side then a refund for such payment will be processed to your original payment method. Order can be cancelled by the below mentioned Communication channel:-

  • You may direct cancel your order through online mode; or
  • You may connect with our customer care executive for cancellation of your order.

(ii) In case, even a single product of the order has been picked/shipped, you will not be able to cancel the order.

(iii) In case, the order contains product(s) which were purchased under a special promotional offer or any special scheme, in such cases order level cancellation will not be applicable.


(i) In case, the product has been picked/shipped, you will not be able to cancel individual products or complete pickup/shipment.

(ii) Cancellation will not be applicable for all the respective products which are part of shipment , if the shipment is out for delivery or in transit stage.